Thursday, April 22, 2010

This coming Saturday...

Good morning,

It is currently 10:12 AM and I'm in Mrs. Brown's third block Art Foundations class. For this reason, I'll keep it short.

It might be noticed that I haven't written in a while. Of course, perhaps none have noticed, but I don't mind that because I didn't expect this blog to have persistent attention.

The main cause of this lack in the ability to write is my fear of discovery. Last Saturday I was banned from Facebook and dawdling on the computer in general, and the ban gets lifted this Saturday. If my parents just so happen to notice that, instead of doing things constructive, I am writing a blog which puts down my only slightly useful whims and fancies, I might get banned again. I would not like that.

I am very, very excited for this Saturday. And not just because the ban gets lifted.

I honestly have no problem with missing Facebook. That's not my concern at all. It's these Google image searches that have intrigued me (and kept me from doing laundry, which is why I'm being punished.) Facebook is a waste of time, I'll admit. I only go on to check messages pertaining to valuable school information these days (if only my parents would understand this) and unfortunately some poor sap from Willard that has seen me walking around downtown or something decides to chat it up with me. How can I refuse?

I really should.

It's 10:23 AM right now and I'm still in Mrs. Brown's Art Foundations class. I suppose I should wrap it up.

So why am I excited for this Saturday, whoever is reading may wonder?

Why, it's my birthday, of course! Happy birthday to me, in advance!

It's 10:24 AM and Dr. Snodgrass has announced that our lockdown drill is still in effect. Which means I stay in this classroom until further notice, so...

I really, really, really need money right now. Just pray that's all I get for my birthday. After going to these National Orchestra things (plus Washington, D.C. with the youth symphony) I've backed my parents' budget up a corner and now my viola teacher wants me to go to this guaranteed to be fascinatingly marvelous viola workshop in Oberlin. Susan Dubois, Kim Kashkashian...ahh. I would be so thrilled to meet them. And perhaps this would be the start to my journey into the mysterious world of severely advanced violists.

Last night I took two hours looking up different traveling options. The cheapest would be by bus. I wouldn't mind...I really, really wouldn't mind at all.

I just want both my parents and my viola teacher to be happy. My mom hates that I keep on thinking it's the expenses that inhibit me from going; to me it appears she is trying to mask her reason for a refusal of this trip by saying that it would be too complicated. The ending date of the workshop coincides with the stupid beginning of the Youth Symphony trip. I wouldn't learn anything from sitting in a bus for 17 hours (or something like that) to our nation's capital, especially compared to being in a masters class with Kim Kashkashian. I mean, it really isn't all that bad. I wouldn't miss anything on the SYS trip. It's obvious that my mom is avoiding the problem. (If she reads this I will be sooo dead.)

I'm such a vexed person right now. I'm not mad at my parents or my teacher. I'm upset that my viola has done this to my family, and I'm upset that I'm expected to grab each and every opportunity by the horns and ride it to victory. Mehhhh.

It's 10:37 AM, and I think we're going soon. I think I just need some time to chew on this. I wouldn't mind not going; I wouldn't mind going. I would mind upsetting either my parents or my teacher. I would mind if my dad can't afford to buy things just because of me. I most likely won't go, and that's fine. Even though the workshop is ridiculously cheap for me to be working with so many fine violists. Meehhhhhh.

It's now 10:38 AM, and I'm off to Learning Lab.


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